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Sheryl Franklin
Bio of Sheryl Franklin

Sheryl Franklin, President, Franklin Communications Services, has been in the computer and information systems industry for over 20 years.

Ms. Franklin began her career as a mainframe computer programmer, first with Metropolitan Life in Scranton, PA and then with First Pennsylvania, Bank in Philadelphia, PA. After several years, she moved into the consulting field with the national firm Software Design Associates.

Ms. Franklin was quickly promoted from the technical ranks into management, then sales and finally as the Philadelphia branch manager. Software Design Associates was acquired by AGS Computers, and then by NYNEX. Ms. Franklin ran the Philadelphia branch for a number of years, supplying customers with the appropriate technical consultants. Main clients were Bell Atlantic and DuPont.

In 1995, Ms. Franklin became one of the founding partners of Franklin Communications Services, an Internet Presence and Service Provider providing Web Site Services nationally, and Internet Access locally to the Western New York area. In 1998, FCS sold the dial-up portion of the business to Prime Communications and has concentrated on global Web Site Services and Domain Name Registration.

Quite a number of sites designed & developed by Ms. Franklin have won awards and recognition, including recognition from the Microsoft homepage for her personal Sherlock Holmes site. This particular site has received international critical acclaim from fans of the genre. In March 1999, SciFi Weekly named her Star Trek Women Site it's site of the week.

In 1997, Ms. Franklin became one of the founding partners of FranklinMall, a retail storefront for home and garden on the web, as well as Domain Register, an online domain name registration facility doing business on a global basis. Domain Register has done business in over 70 countries. In 2000, DomainRegister.com was named a Premier Gold Partner of Network Solutions.

In 2000, she founded DomainRegistrationWeb.com and was named a partner of Register.Com.

That same year, she founded HomeGardenMall.Com . As an 'e-shopper' herself, Ms. Franklin created this site (based on her own e-shopping experiences) to provide reliable categorized shopping links to other 'e-shoppers', saving them hours of search-engine searching.

Ms. Franklin is a Dale Carnegie Sales graduate, a member of NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) and has been listed in Marquis' Who's Who since 1989.

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Web Designer Directory Association